Seriously Risky Business
Srsly Risky Biz: Tuesday, January 19
Idiot-fuel: hackers post COVID-19 vaccine docs online, The SolarWinds thing isn't really a SolarWinds thing, No free pass for MacOS apps
Seriously Risky Business
Idiot-fuel: hackers post COVID-19 vaccine docs online, The SolarWinds thing isn't really a SolarWinds thing, No free pass for MacOS apps
Seriously Risky Business
JetBrains stories generate heat, shed little light, Mozilla tries to outfox censors, It's been real, Donald Trump
Seriously Risky Business
SolarWinds hacking was stellar, British court rejects US request to extradite Assange, Judge dismisses first of Apple's claims against Corellium
Seriously Risky Business
WeChat censors Australia's Prime Minister, Russian bears all up in your VMwares, US Government to get National Cyber Director
Seriously Risky Business
Ransom payouts spell trouble for insurers, Plenty of heart - and a hole - in NYT ransomware story, A snap cyber audit for Australia's banks
Seriously Risky Business
UK military to attack cyber-enabled crime, The malware families that usually lead to ransomware, Congress leans on US Government buying power to clean up IoT security
Seriously Risky Business
Trump points to DEF CON videos to explain election defeat, Australia eyes payment card data for contact tracing, No homicide charges for ransomware crew
Seriously Risky Business
China flaunts its exploit prowess, Australia's critical infrastructure laws open to challenge, Linux is fertile ground for ransomware crews
Seriously Risky Business
US election "just another Tuesday on the Internet", US hospitals fend off Ryuk attacks, Calls to limit use, improve oversight of Australia's metadata retention regime
Seriously Risky Business
CISA, FBI go public over Russian intrusions, Triton malware authors and Iran's disinfo operators sanctioned, German intelligence agencies queue up to hack messaging apps
Seriously Risky Business
German authorities raid FinFisher, Sandworm operators indicted, and recent US Gov intrusions had a Russian energy about them...
Seriously Risky Business
Cyber Command and Microsoft pile in on TrickBot, “Seven eyes” exhume E2EE gripes, Software AG held to ransom