Seriously Risky Business
Srsly Risky Biz: Tuesday, May 19
Ransomware goes to Hollywood, Wuhan Lab dossier debunked, European supercomputers hacked for crypto-mining...
Brett Winterford is the founding editor of the Seriously Risky Business Newsletter and worked for Risky Business Media from 2020 to 2021.
Seriously Risky Business
Ransomware goes to Hollywood, Wuhan Lab dossier debunked, European supercomputers hacked for crypto-mining...
Seriously Risky Business
Attacks on healthcare cross red lines, CISA warns US States on internet voting, UK launches contact tracing apps...
Seriously Risky Business
Ransomware officially on the board agenda, China and US tighten supply chain security, and how 'opt-in' contact tracing so easily creeps into 'mandatory' territory...
Seriously Risky Business
US to kickban Chinese telcos, Vietnam sprung hacking for COVID-19 secrets, Sophos firewalls exploited, plus the latest on contact tracing apps
Seriously Risky Business
Gapple's global progress, CISA's warning on patched VPNs, BEC scam targets COVID relief payments
Seriously Risky Business
Apple and Google partner on contact tracing, Patch vCenter now, US to ban China Telecom
Seriously Risky Business
Zoom schooled on security, COVID-19 contact tracing planned for UK and Germany, Social Media giants struggle with virus misinformation
Seriously Risky Business
Chinese APT crew on a rampage, Data scrapers jostle to handle COVID-19 surveillance, Home routers targeted
Seriously Risky Business
Tech firms asked to help COVID contact tracing, Healthcare hit with ransomware, Are we at 'peak cyber'?
Seriously Risky Business
Attackers prey on COVID confusion, targeted attacks bypass MFA, the Voatz source code audit
Seriously Risky Business
Vault 7 mistrial, CDA230 under review, "Wormable" SMBv3 bug in the works